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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Egg Bomb

People in their childhood may have some impressive stories which bring lots of influence on them. And I would like to tell a story which happened when my younger sister and I were elementary school students.

At that time, our parent were busy at works. Every days after returning home from school, we should wait for our mom who will bring supper for us. However, at that day, mom didn't came home on time. We were so hungry that we wanted to cook food by ourselves. Unfortunately, we didn't know how to cook by using the stove, and we were forbidden to use it. In order to calm down our stomach, I excogitated a stupid idea: using microwave oven to make hard boiled eggs. As soon as I figured out my plane and told my sister about it, we started to carry out the cooking project.

First, we put the eggs and some water into a bowl, and them we put the bowl into microwave oven. Awhile late, after the microwave oven stopped heating our food, we took the bowl out excitedly, preparing to enjoy our supper. Suddenly, the eggs burst out, hot egg yolk and egg white scattering on my sister, since she didn't dodge the attack from the eggs which didn't want to be eaten by us. She was seriously scalded and cried heavily. I was shocked, because the reality was opposite to my exception. I took the poor girl to the bathroom, rinsing the eggs out by cold water. But she was still crying. I had no idea of what to do, but standing beside my sister without a word. Fortunately, mom came home at the moment I felt helpless. Instead of blaming me, she calmed my sister down and plastered ointment on her skin.  I considered that she couldn't bear to blame me, since I didn't do it on purpose.

After the egg bomb incident, I learned how to use microwave oven correctly. But the most important of all,  being sure of what you do is correct, or running as fast as possible.

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