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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Mixed Fairy Tales

Act One
Voice-over : “Long time ago, there was an innocent princess who was very quiet and seldom talked to others. When she was eight, she held a birthday party in the hall of her magnificent castle, inviting all her friends in the country.”
Princess : “My dear friends, thank you for coming to my birthday party. It is high time to enjoy yourselves in the delicious food and the wonderful atmosphere.” (Princess said in a delightful voice and lifted her goblet up)
(All the guests cheered.)
Voice-over:”As everyone in the party was happily eating and playing, the Big Wolf suddenly broke into the hall.”
Big Wolf : “You!”
(Big Wolf yelled in anger, pointing at the princess. But princess turned her head and look at others. It seemed that she didn’t know that the Big Wolf was talking to her. )
Big Wolf : “Hey, you, stupid princess. I am talking to you.”
Princess :”Me?”
Big Wolf :”Of course. Because I am looking straight at you. When a person is looking at someone, it means that it wants to talk to…. Hey! That’s not the point .”
Princess :”Well, what’s the point you want to express?”(confused )
Big Wolf :”I wish our greatest princess will be poisoned by the apple at eighteen. ”
Guest 1:”What ! Why did you curse our princess?”(surprised)
Guest 2:” Highness is kind to us.
Big Wolf :”Well…well….Because the ungrateful princess didn’t invite me to join her birthday party.” (acted a person who realized and agreed what the guest said, but shouted in a loud voice after that, letting everyone know its indignation)
Big Wolf: “If I hadn’t helped you to catch the three little pigs and the seven lamb, you would have been killed by those vile animals and you would have had no opportunity to hold a birthday party.”(stared at the princess)
Princess :”There must be something mistaken. I …”(interrupted by the Big Wolf)
Big Wolf:”What ? You don’t believe that you will be poisoned in the age of eighteen. Oh, come on. I am a magical wolf. Every spell that comes from my mouth will become a reality. Just wait and see.”
Voice-over :”As soon as the Big Wolf finished it’s talk, it disappeared in the heavy smoke. The princess and the guests in the hall were worried about the curse, but they all forgot that before long. ”

Act Two
Voice-over :Time quickly passed by, the princess was eighteen and became the most beautiful lady in the world. One day, she skipped the castle, going to the banana orchard, and expecting lots of fun there. But suddenly, she was struck by a flying apple. The heavy hit made her fall down to the ground and the dizziness let her see nothing. She struggled to get up and pleaded”
Princess :”Oh, God, please, I don’t want to be a Sleeping Beauty, but the second Newton. ”
Voice-over :Unfortunately, God didn’t hear her prayer. The princess became a Sleeping Beauty and slept for one hundred years.

Act Three
Voice-over :One hundred year later, a handsome prince went on a picnic in the banana orchard. He found the Sleeping Beauty. Attracted by her lovely face, he fell in love with her.
Prince 1:”I want this lady to become my wife. I determine to rescue my love.”(said in a strong voice and closed his face to the princess’)
Voice-over : “But before kissing his love, an apple on the ground caught the prince’s eye”
Prince 1:”It looks delicious, and it may make my mouth smell like the fragrant flowers. ”(take up the apple and eat it)
Voice-over :”After nibbling the apple, the prince fell down. His body hit the princess, and woke her up. Interrupted from comfortable sleep, the princess walked right away from the dying prince angrily. ”

Act Four
Voice-over : “Another prince came to this unlucky place. He fell in love with the dying prince as soon as he found him.“
Prince 2:”Oh, what a handsome man he is. His eyes are like the shining stars, leading me into the right way; His arms are like the spinning scarf, warming my frozen neck; His body is like the beautiful paint, making me want to kiss his face. ”(The prince kissed his love.)
Prince 1:”Oh! My hero. I will never leave you.”
Voice-over :”From then on, the two princes lived a happy life forever.”

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